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ISBN | 9780198867807 |
Published Year | 2020 |
Publisher | Oxford University Press(OUP) |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 3 |
Binding | Hardbound |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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The New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry latest edition has become one of the most widely used and trusted standard psychiatry texts among psychiatrists and trainees over its two editions. It provides a comprehensive overview of clinical psychiatry by bringing together 146 chapters written by the leading experts in the field. Throughout, it refers to the field's scientific foundation and the patient's point of view.
Since the second edition's publication in 2009, the New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry 3rd edition has undergone extensive reorganization and streamlining to keep up with the significant advancements in clinical psychiatry and neuroscience. The most recent versions of the two primary classification systems that are utilized worldwide for the diagnosis of mental disorders, the DSM-5, and the ICD-11, have been included throughout the new edition.
Since the first edition was published, many exciting discoveries have been made in the biological sciences. These discoveries are having a big effect on how we study and practice psychiatry. In addition, psychiatry has fostered closer ties with philosophy, which is fostering constructive debates regarding mental illness diagnosis and treatment. These and other advancements are acknowledged in this new edition. The book is written by John R. Geddes, Nancy C. Andreasen, and Guy M. Goodwin. The book can be accessed via AIBH (All India Book House) and published by Oxford University Press(OUP).
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