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MBBS 3rd Year Subjects And Books

Following are the MBBS 3rd year subjects and Books that fall in the clinical category taught for 4 semesters from sem 6th to sem 9th. There are 3 main fields of clinical nature taught as MBBS 3rd year subjects.

Ophthalmology is the MBBS 3rd Year Subjects And Books that deals with disorders and treatment of the eye.
By the end of this course:
The student is most likely to pretty easily diagnose all the ophthalmic diseased and other related emergencies. 

  • Use common drugs and monitor their effects.
  • Interpreting test results to prescribe the right medicines.

Topics Covered

  • Microbiology in relation to eye
  • Pathology in relation to eye
  • Pharmacology in relation to eye
  • Disorders of the Lid
  • Disorders of the Lacrimal Apparatus
  • Conjunctivitis & Ophthalmia Neonatorum
  • Trachoma & Other chronic conjunctivitis
  • Keratitis and corneal ulcers
  • Corneal ulcer
  • Scleritis & Episcleritis

Recommended MBBS 3rd Year Subjects And Books

  1. Diseases of the Eye
    19th Edition
    By Parson 
  2. Clinical Ophthalmology
    By Kanski. 
  3. MCQs in Ophthalmology
    By Shekhar
  4. Practical Ophthalmology
    By Seetharaman
  5. Textbook of Ophthalmology
    By Nema
  6. Ophthalmology Oral & Practical
    By Basak
  7. Essentials of Ophthalmology
    By Basak
  8. Handbook of Ophthalmology
    By Chatterjee
  9. Ophthalmology: Theory & Practicals with MCQs
    By D.K. Samant
  10. Ophthalmology
    By A.K. Khurana

The student is required to complete a 15 days internship in this subject. 
MBBS 3rd Year Books - ENT
ENT simply refers to Ear, Nose, and Throat collectively is also called OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY as one of the third year MBBS subjects. In this course, the student is taught to identify all the disorders and the respective treatments in this course. They are equipped with the skills to make decisions regarding diseases and perform surgeries or operations as required by the patient’s condition.
The objective of this course is to inculcate skills to perform Siegalisation, Ear wick placement, Tracheostomy and endoscopies, Diagnostic Nasal endoscopy, and Video Laryngoscopy. They are also taught about how to remove a foreign body from Ear, Nose, and Throat, etc.

The student undergoes clinical training to gets hands-on knowledge about the real-world application of what they’ve studied in theory. They do it by getting posted under an expert and assist them in their day-to-day activities all while observing the patients and their diseases.
This is a subject with relatively less course content than the other subjects in MBBS.

By the end of this course:

  • The student will be qualified to attend to emergencies 
  • The student will be able to prescribe drugs while keeping in mind the various side effects of that drug.  
  • Assist in performing common surgical procedures like a tonsillectomy, mastoidectomy, septoplasty, and tracheostomy.
  • They are also trained to perform minor surgical procedures like ear syringing nasal packing and biopsy procedures.
Topics Covered MBBS 3rd year subjects
  • Oral cavity and oropharynx
  • Ear
  • Instruments
  • Operative Procedures
  • X-ray

Recommended MBBS 3rd year Books

  1. Practical ENT
    By Prabhat
  2. Diseases of Throat, Nose & Ear
    By Logan Turner
  3. A short textbook of ENT diseases
    By Bhargava
  4. Diseases of Ear, Nose & Throat
    By Dhingra
  5. E.N.T Simplified
    By Hathiram

The student needs to finish a 15 day internship on this subject.


Community medicine is a non-clinical medical course as 3rd year MBBS subject that explains the health of a small population as a whole. The purpose of this course is to inculcate the quality of a good community health leader. 

Community medicine looks at origins of diseases from a collective population point of view taking in account the social and cultural factors.

Being a citien of a country that is facing health crisis that is faced by both, 1st and 3rd world countries, it becomes increasingly important to study Community Medicine. 

The purpose of studying Community medicine is mainly as a prevent any outbreak of social disease that can affect hundreds or thousands in the community. 

By the end of this course:

  • The student will have the aptitude to plan ad avoid a community health disaster
  • Bring about behavioural change in the community by imparting educational messages among the community members
  • Educate community members regarding sanitation, investigate occupational and environmental hazards. 
  • Promote National Health Programs with emphasis on maternity and child health, family welfare and population control.
  • Build awareness regarding the functioning of various organisations like Primary Health Centres and Community Health Centres.
  • Build awareness about family planning and its different methods available among couples
  • Collect on-ground data and apply all the bio-statistical methods to yield relevant results.

Topics Covered In Mbbs 3rd year subjects and books

  • Behavioral Sciences
  • Health Education
  • Environment
  • Biostatistics
  • Epidemiology
  • Nutrition
  • Maternal & Child Health
  • Rehabilitation
  • Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases And Non-communicable Diseases
  • Important National Health Programmes
  • Occupational Health
  • Health Administration
  • Health Economics
  • Geriatrics
  • Counselling

Recommended MBBS 3rd year Books

  1. National Health Programme
    By J Kishor
  2. Sociology and Health
    By Niraj Pandit
  3. Textbook of Community Medicine
    By Kulkarni A.P. and Baride J.P
  4. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine,
    By Park
  5. Review in Community Medicine
    By V.R. Sheshu Babu
  6. Principles of Preventive and Social Medicine
    By K. Mahajan
  7. Textbook of Biostatistics
    By B. K. Mahajan
  8. Textbook of Community Medicine
    By B. Shridhar Rao
  9. Essentials of Community Medicine
    By Suresh Chandra
  10. Epidemiology and Management for health care for all
    By P.V. Sathe and A.P. Sathe
  11. Essentials of Preventive Medicine
    By O.P. Ghai and Piyush Gupta

The student needs to finish a 3 month internship in Community Medicine. 

 What are the best ways to purchase 3rd year MBBS books?

There are many ways to purchase MBBS books. If you want to purchase it online, has a diverse collection of Medical books. You will be able to find any of the above mentioned books on our website.

All India Book House is a Retailer, Wholesaler, Importer and Supplier of Medical Books.

How much does it cost to purchase all the best MBBS 3rd year subjects and Books?

This depends on a number of factors like your capabilities, your future plans, whether you want to do further studies or not, your hunger for in-depth understanding of the concepts, etc.

If you plan to study beyond MBBS, you must be clear about which field you want to choose for further studies. Keeping this in mind, you can purchase books with in-depth content for those subjects and acquire a sound understanding of all the topics. Otherwise, a simple textbook that covers all the topics and prepares you enough to clear exams is good.

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