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MBBS 4th Year Subjects And Books

The MBBS 4th year subjects and books are of a clinical nature. They put a deep emphasis on the practical application along with the theories.  

Major Subjects


This MBBS 4th year subjects and books are meant to help students to understand everything about infections and non-infectious diseases. How to physically examine a patient including the health of their mental state. Examination of an unconscious patient. Correlate symptoms and visible physical signs to come to a conclusive diagnosis. There are a number of mbbs 4th year books for this subject that a student can refer to, both textbooks and reference books.

Recommended Books 4th Year MBBS Books

  1. Principles and Practice of Medicine
    ELBS-Livingstone publications
    By Davidson
  2. Clinical Medicine
    ELBS publications
    By Kumar & Clark
  3. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine
    McGraw Hill publications 19th Edition
    By Charles Wiener
  4. Oxford Textbook of Medicine
    Vol I & II
    ELBS publication
  5. Hutchison’s Clinical Methods
    ELBS publications, 23rd Edition
    By GLYNN
  6. Clinical Examination
    ELBS publications
    By Macleod
  7. API Textbook of Medicine
  8. Harrison’s Manual of Medicine
    18th Edition
    By Dan Longo
  9. Medicine: Prep Manual for Undergraduates
    By K. George Mathews & Praveen Aggarwal
  10. Physical Diagnosis
    By Rustom Jal Vakil, Aspi F Golwalla
  11. Practical Medicine
    By P.J. Mehta
  12. Bedside Clinics in Medicine
    By Arup Kumar Kundu 
  13. Manual of Practical Medicine
    6th Edition
    By Alagappan R
  14. Macleod’s Clinical Examination
    14th Edition
    By Fiona Nicol, Graham Douglas, and Colin Robertson
  15. Manipal Manual of Clinical Medicine
    By B. A. Shastry 
  16. Differential Diagnosis in Clinical Medicine
  17. Clinical Examination: A Practical Guide in Medicine
    By Harmanjit Hira Singh
  18. Short Cases in Clinical Medicine
    By Author: A. B. M. Abdullah
  19. MCQs in Internal Medicine
    By Arup Kumar Kundu
  20. Pearls in Medicine for Students (Mysteries Behind Diagnosis)
    By Arup Kumar Kundu

Surgery Pediatrics

Pediatrics is the field of study that teaches how to take medical care of infants, adolescents, and children. It concerns with everything ranging from the physical, social, and mental health of the age 

Recommended 4th Year MBBS Books

  1. Essentials of Pediatrics
    By OP Ghai, Vinod K Paul, and Piyush Gupta (latest edition) 
  2. Care of the Newborn
    by Meharban Singh (latest edition)
  3. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics
    By Richard E. Behrman, Robert M. Kliegman, Waldo E. Nelson, and Victor C. Vaughan (latest edition)
  4. Rudolph’s Pediatrics
    By Abraham M. Rudolph, Julien IE Hoffman, Colin D. Rudolph and Paul Sagan (latest edition)
  5. Hutchison’s Clinical Methods
    by M Swash (latest edition)
  6. Pediatrics Clinical Methods
    by Meharban Singh (latest edition)

OBS & Gynae

Formally called Obstetrics & Gynaecology teaches students about the whole period of pregnancy, abnormalities in it, the diagnosis, treatment, and taking care of maternal and child health. Manage common issues or emergencies. Provide counseling regarding fertility and termination of pregnancy. 

Recommended final year mbbs books

  1. Textbook of Obstetrics for Undergraduates
    By V.L. Bhargava
  2. Manual of Practical Obstetrics
    By Holland & Brews 
  3. Text Book of Gynaecology
    By Shaw
  4. TextBook of Gynaecology
    By V.L. Bhargava

MBBS 4th year Minor Subjects


Radiology is one of the very interesting courses that teach about the diagnosis of disease after radiography via X-Rays to find the exact medical condition of the patient. 

Recommended Mbbs 4th Year Books

  1. Chest Roentgenology
    By Felson
  2. Principles of Chest Roentgenology, A Programmed Text
    By Felson
  3. The Chest X-Ray: A Survival Guide
  4. High-Resolution CT of the Lung
    By Webb
  5. Textbook of Radiology & Imaging
    By Sutton
  6. Diagnostic Radiology
    By Grainger & Allison
  7. Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis
    By Chapman & Nakielny's 
  8. Radiology Review Manual
    By Dahnert
  9. Known Unknowns Of Everyday Radiology Practice
  10. Clark's Positioning In Radiography
  11. CT and MRI of the Whole Body
    By Haaga
  12. Textbook of Gastrointestinal Radiology
    By Levine and Gore
  13. Mayo Clinic Gastrointestinal Imaging Review
  14. Fundamentals Of Diagnostic Radiology
    By Helms
  15. The Little Green Book
    By Eric Tamm
  16. Clinical Imaging: An Atlas of Differential Diagnosis
    By Ronald L Eisenberg


This is the field of study related to the issues of skins. The student is able to diagnose, treat and prescribe relevant medicines related to any skin disease by the end of this course. 

Recommended Books

  1. Treatment of skin diseases
    By J.S. Pasricha
  2. Illustrated Text Book of Dermatology 
    By J.S. Pasricha 
  3. Text Book of Dermatology and Venereology
    By Neena Khanna 
  4. Atlas of Dermatology
    By L.K. Bhutani 
  5. Atlas of Sexually Transmitted Disease
    By L.K. Bhutani


The purpose of teaching anesthesia as an MBBS 4th year subject is that the student can supervise the right amount of dosage to be given to the patient with a focus on teaching pre-operative preparations. The student must be aware of the physiological changes happening inside the patient’s body and monitor and administer the right amounts of dosage. 

Recommended 4th Year MBBS Books

  1. The book of Anaesthesia
    Edited by Alan R. Aitkenhead, David J. Rowbotham, Graham Smith
    Published by Churchill Livingstone.
  2. Fundamentals of Anaesthesia
    Ed. Colin Pinnock, Ted Lin, Tim Smith
    Published by Greenwich Medical Media Ltd
  3. Fundamental Principles and Practice of Anaesthesia
    Ed. Petter Hurtton, Cooper Butterworth
    Published by Martin Dunitz, 2002.
  4. Principles and Practice of Anaesthesiology
    Edited by David E. Longnecker
    Published by Mosby St. Louis.


Psychiatry is the study of human behavior and motivation and applying it to improve the mental health of patients dealing with stress or disorders. Understanding the cognitive processes, memory processes, intelligence, its growth, genetic implications, etc. 

Recommended 4th year MBBS books

  1. Text-book on Psychiatry
    By Niraj Ahuja
  2. Oxford Psychiatry


Orthopedics is the study of bone-related issues specifically the spine, joints, and muscles.

Other topics that are covered in the syllabus are Disorders of Spine,  Orthopedic Neurology, Physical Medicine, and Rehabilitation.

Recommended 4th Year MBBS Books

  1. Outlines of Fractures
    Churchill Livingstone
    By Crawford Adams
  2. Closed Treatment of Fractures
    Churchill Livingstone
    H.John Charnley
  3. Outlines of Orthopaedics
    Churchill Livingstone
    Crawford Adams

What are the best ways to purchase 4th Year Mbbs Subjects?

There are many ways to purchase MBBS books. If you want to purchase it online, has a diverse collection of Medical books. You will be able to find any of the above-mentioned MBBS 4th year subjects and books on our website.

All India Book House is a Retailer, Wholesaler, Importer, and Supplier of Medical Books Online.

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