Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine International Edition, 24th Edition

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ISBN 9780702083488
Published Year 2022
Publisher Elsevier
Condition New
Language English
Edition 24
Binding Paperback
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Davidson's Principles And Practice Of Medicine 24th Edition

Since davidson textbook of medicine, an initial publication more than seventy years ago, Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine has sold well over two million copies to medical students, doctors, and other health professionals all over the world. This 24th edition which has been completely revised and updated, talks about the pathophysiology and clinical aspects of the most common diseases seen in the different subspecialties of adult medicine. 

It also details how to recognize, investigate, diagnose, and treat these conditions.  Davidson's has been around for a long time because it is up-to-date with how modern medicine is taught and gives a lot of reliable information in an interesting, condensed, and beautifully illustrated way.

We have made some alterations to the format and content of this new edition. The first eight chapters of Davidson's principles and practice of medicine 24th edition talk about genetics, immunology, infectious diseases, population health, oncology, and pain management, as well as the basics of making clinical decisions and writing prescriptions. Common problems in emergency medicine are discussed in this book, as well as how to spot and treat a very sick patient. Subsequent chapters include medical emergencies in poisoning, envenomation, and medicine in austere conditions.

The following disease-specific chapters in the davidson textbook of medicine cover all of the major medical subspecialties and have all been completely updated to reflect the most recent research and clinical developments. While our understanding of the virology, epidemiology, clinical impact, and management of SARS-CoV-2 is still developing, we have added a new section on these fundamental aspects of this critically important topic to Chapter 13, as well as Chapter 6 and, where relevant, elsewhere in the book, as we publish the 24th edition while the world is in the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The improvements made in the most recent versions have been kept and, in many cases, expanded upon. Comprehensive reviews of the "Clinical Examination," which have been very popular, have been updated and made bigger. The "Presenting Problems" sections in Davidson's principles and practice of medicine 24th edition, still offer a helpful summary of the most prevalent presentations for each illness category. 

The "In Old Age," "In Pregnancy," and "In Adolescence" boxes, highlight crucial practical issues in the presentation and care of the older adult, women with medical conditions who are pregnant or intend to become pregnant, and adolescents transitioning between pediatric and adult services, have been preserved together with the "Emergency" and "Practice Point" boxes.

Students achieve academic success when they absorb knowledge from a variety of resources, and this book is only one of many tools that will help its readers succeed. To complement the 23rd edition of Davidson's, we have created a self-testing companion book called Davidson's Assessment in Medicine, which includes more than 1250 MCQs written just for this edition. 

Davidson's has traditionally been used in tandem with Macleod's Clinical Examination and Principles and Practice of Surgery, and this remains true today. Our "family" has grown with the publishing of Macleod's Clinical Diagnosis, which provides a methodical approach to the differential diagnosis of symptoms and indications, and Davidson's Essentials of Medicine, a condensed version of the main work, now in its third edition. Congratulations are in order for the editors and authors of these books for carrying on the custom of producing readable and beautifully illustrated tomes.

Highlights of davidson textbook of medicine:

  • Part 1 of davidson's 24th edition, "Fundamentals of Medicine," goes over the basics of medicine, such as genetics, immunology, infectious diseases, population health, oncology, pain management, and the basics of making good clinical decisions and good prescriptions.

  • Part 2 of Davidson's principles and practice of medicine 24th edition  "Emergency and Critical Care Medicine" talks about poisoning, envenoming, and medicine in harsh environments. It also talks about acute medical presentations and how to recognize and care for people who are very sick.

  • In the third and last section of davidson 24th edition, titled "Clinical Medicine," all of the major medical subspecialties have been updated and altered. The effects of this virus are discussed in detail, with a brand-new chapter on COVID-19.

  • This updated and revised overview includes for davidson medicine latest edition have a brief summary of each system's most important components.

  • In the "Presenting Problems" section for each specialty, there is a systematic way to evaluate and treat the most common problems that patients have.

  • In emergency kits, the basic skills needed to care for people who are very sick are emphasized. 

  • The connections between medical, obstetric, and pediatric services are shown, and the special needs of older, pregnant, and teen patients are emphasized.

  • Davidson's principles and practice of medicine 24th edition contain almost a thousand illustrations in the davidson textbook of medicine including diagrams, clinical photos, x-rays, and pathology slides.

  • An International Advisory Board made up of experts from 11 different countries and well-known authors from all over the world gives a truly global view.

Includes BONUS electronic materials:

  • In davidson medicine latest edition, the NEW Interactive self-assessment has been included with More than 150 questions and answers to test your understanding of each chapter's main ideas and help you study for the test more effectively.
  • A new competency mapping guide with full-page references has been released in the Davidson 24th edition to help people in India learn the skills listed in the undergraduate curriculum of the Indian National Medical Commission.
  • Students all over the world will find davidson textbook of medicine essential as a foundational text that bridges the gap between medical science and clinical practice. It gives them essential information and helpful advice in a clear and easy-to-understand format.



Published Year
Ian D Penman & Stuart H. Ralston & Mark W J Strachan & Richard Hobson
Information on technical characteristics, the delivery set, the country of manufacture and the appearance of the goods is for reference only and is based on the latest information available at the time of publication.

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Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine International Edition, 24th Edition

by Ian D Penman & Stuart H. Ralston & Mark W J Strachan & Richard Hobson (Author)
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