Strategic Human Resource Management: Building Research-Based Practice

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ISBN 9788179929346
Published Year 2008
Publisher Jaico Publishing House
Condition New
Language English
Edition 1
Binding Paperback
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Product Full Description

Strategic Human Resource Management: Building research-based practice is a challenging and engaging student-focussed text written by a team consisting of world-class researchers and experienced HRM tutors. It is ideal for students taking a HRM or Strategic HRM module at postgraduate and upper-undergraduate level. Structured around contemporary and emerging issues, this critical and thought-provoking book: — encourages students to think analytically about strategic HRM issues — connects theory, research evidence and real-world practice — explores the links between strategic HRM, strategic management and organisational behaviour — includes an array of examples and case studies from a range of organisations, cultures and contexts — places strategic HRM in an international context, integrating coverage of emerging markets such as China and India The text also features chapter objectives, reflective activities, questions, key learning points and links to further reading, as well as access to a comprehensive student and tutor website with lecture notes, slides and more.



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Jaico Publishing House
The Aston Centre For Human Resources
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Strategic Human Resource Management: Building Research-Based Practice

by The Aston Centre For Human Resources (Author)
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