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ISBN | 9789386261786 |
Published Year | 2017 |
Publisher | Jaypee |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 1/E |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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Quick Overview Clinical gynecology is next to obstetrics care to improve the health of women in our country. The treatment modalities have changed significantly in recent years due to improvement in diagnostic techniques, still women keep on suffering with gynecological problems and unable to alleviate their problems. The reason is evident, the inability of the treating physician to collect proper information from the patient and recognize their concerns. Recent advances for preventive measures and early diagnosis should reach all healthcare providers in a simple and understandable format, towards that this book is a small attempt. Healthcare providers must improve their communication skills and justify the need of investigations to support their clinical diagnosis. Ethical practices forbid unnecessary investigations. Evidence Based Clinical Gynecology is one step towards reaching that goal. Some parts of the chapters are new concepts that are unlikely to have been defined at one place anywhere else. Basic concepts in the subject are nurtured diligently, and enhanced with clinical experience in this book. General section of this book precisely defines the most used skills in gynecology. Clinical aspect of menstruation, menopause, ultrasonography, minor procedures, recent advances in contraceptions and endoscopies are must for any gynecologist. The other two sections on benign and malignant diseases are also conceptualized to provide clinically relevant information of common diseases like infections, abnormal uterine bleeding, genital prolapse, stress urinary incontinence and malignancies seen routinely in gynecology OPD. Key Features Clinical presentation of cases in gynecology and their management are linked through confirmation of diagnosis as evidences. Rationalization of all investigations is essential for ethical practices and effective use of resources. It is well evident that unnecessary and wrong investigations are carried out due to inadequate information about the patient or poor fundamental concepts. Rational and effective investigations are the primary objective of this book and it is conceptualized to include common clinical cases and their management. It will empower the learners in workplace and improve the application of clinical skills. Recent advances are incorporated wherever necessary along with the current guidelines. • Basics of the subject emphasized • Clinical approach is followed • Investigations rationalized • Evidence-based management is the hallmark • Recent advances are included and explained. Target Audience Postgraduates students and clinicians.
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