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ISBN | 9789383420872 |
Published Year | RP-2020 |
Publisher | Academic Publishers |
Condition | New |
Language | English |
Edition | 4th |
Binding | Paperback |
Return Availability | Returnable upto 3days (*T&C applied) |
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Bedside clinics in obstetrics by Arup Kumar Majhi - The initial chapter of the textbook covers concepts of clinical history taking, symptoms, signs, and procedure of patient examination.
This book Arup Kumar Majhi gynecology & obstetrics is straightforward to learn through several illustrations on clinical approaches, both live and diagrammatic. In reality, except for the therapy section, this chapter has sufficiently covered practically all gynecological issues. In addition, every case in each chapter has been handled systematically, from clinical diagnosis to final diagnosis, including all investigations in Arup Majhi obstetrics.
To make things easier, the author has used a question-and-answer structure in some places. The most appealing aspect of this Bedside clinics in obstetrics by Arup Kumar Majhi is the large quantity of creative and diagrammatic pictures of various disease entities, operational results, and procedures. This Book will help students comprehend the subject better and help them score higher on exams.
Salient features Arup Majhi obstetrics:-
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